Disney’s Encanto has become one of the studios most beloved animated features on the strength of its fabulous songs (written by Lin-Manuel Miranda), amazing animation (directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush), and a heartfelt story about a girl who doesn’t feel special among her extraordinary family.
Disney’s Encanto has become one of the studios most beloved animated features on the strength of its fabulous songs (written by Lin-Manuel Miranda), amazing animation (directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush), and a heartfelt story about a girl who doesn’t feel special among her extraordinary family.Read more… Read More encanto, disney, mirabel, lin manuel miranda, adassa, rhenzy feliz, julieta angie cepeda, cecilia botero, augustin, carolina gaitan, abuela, felix, the family madrigal, is camilo, bruno, antonio, jared bush, mauro castillo, olga merediz, abuela alma, wilmer valderrama, camilo, julieta, diane guerrero, isabela, mirabel madrigal, byron howard, pepa, we dont talk about bruno, luisa jessica darrow, angie cepeda, stephanie beatriz, dolores, antonio ravi cabot conyers Gizmodo