At a boarding school in the early 1970s, a student who’s been eagerly awaiting winter vacation gets a call with bad news: they’ll be spending Christmas at school instead of with their family. Is it Alexander Payne’s new Oscar-buzz movie The Holdovers—or Jenn Wexler’s new Shudder release The Sacrifice Game?
At a boarding school in the early 1970s, a student who’s been eagerly awaiting winter vacation gets a call with bad news: they’ll be spending Christmas at school instead of with their family. Is it Alexander Payne’s new Oscar-buzz movie The Holdovers—or Jenn Wexler’s new Shudder release The Sacrifice Game? Read more… Read More the sacrifice game, sacrifice, gus kenworthy, films, jude aladdin, sean redlitz, olivia scott welch, oscar, doug laurent pitre, jimmy, jenn wexler, levine, entertainment culture, clara, rose, shudder, jude, grant, samantha madison baines, derek johns, alexander payne, human sacrifice Gizmodo