For 55 hours and 32 minutes, Emmett Shear steered the world’s leading artificial intelligence company, OpenAI, through its largest crisis ever. That chapter of Shear’s life and OpenAI’s history has now come to a close. It seems that no one listened to the former Twitch CEO’s concerns about AI safety, and returning CEO…
For 55 hours and 32 minutes, Emmett Shear steered the world’s leading artificial intelligence company, OpenAI, through its largest crisis ever. That chapter of Shear’s life and OpenAI’s history has now come to a close. It seems that no one listened to the former Twitch CEO’s concerns about AI safety, and returning CEO…Read more… Read More openai, nat, emmett shear, artificial intelligence, alex wang, bret taylor, github, sam altman, hypothetical technology, cybernetics, microsoft, ai safety, logan bartlett, eliezer yudkowsky, nat friedman, superintelligence, computational neuroscience, removal of sam altman from openai, larry summers, artificial general intelligence Gizmodo