I can’t wait to see videos of the new Call of Duty: Warzone anti-cheat system.
In a blog post on the official Call of Duty website, the developers revealed a dastardly new trick to help curb cheating, which is a problem in any game that popular. The Ricochet anti-cheat system (which uses machine learning in its efforts to stop cheating) that’s already in place in Warzone has a new feature called “Splat.” Its name, as it turns out, is very descriptive.
How does Splat work? Let’s hear it straight from the mothership:
“With Splat, if a cheater is discovered, we may randomly, and for fun, disable their parachute sending them careening into the ground after they deploy.
But what if we catch them after they’ve deployed? Well, Splat can also adjust player velocity, which transforms a bunny hop into a 10,000-foot drop taking them out instantly. This is one of many new tricks we’ve developed – and we’ll talk about more in the future.
Like all mitigations, Splat won’t randomly turn on for a player that isn’t verified to be cheating. Player reporting won’t turn it on, and the game can’t accidentally activate it.”
In other words, cheaters are about to learn about the laws of gravity the hard way. I especially enjoy that the official blog post says they’re doing it “for fun.”
Sometimes it’s nice to have a little laugh at the expense of people who want to make things less enjoyable for everyone else.
‘Call of Duty: Warzone’ has a new anti-cheat system that sounds equal parts effective and really, really funny. Read More Mashable