Marvel’s upcoming Blade movie will introduce the beloved vampire hunter to the MCU and mark his first theatrical appearance since Wesley Snipes bowed out of the role with 2007’s Blade Trinity. Much has been made about what the movie is or isn’t, but for director Yann Demange, the film will be a great showcase for star…
Marvel’s upcoming Blade movie will introduce the beloved vampire hunter to the MCU and mark his first theatrical appearance since Wesley Snipes bowed out of the role with 2007’s Blade Trinity. Much has been made about what the movie is or isn’t, but for director Yann Demange, the film will be a great showcase for star…Read more… Read More blade, mahershala ali, films, blade trinity, entertainment culture, demange, invincible, oscar, moonlight and green book, kung fu films, ali marvel, wesley snipes, draftblade, deadpool 3, yann demange Gizmodo