Welcome to UNTAPPED: The TCG Podcast. This is a wrap up episode for the year covering the state of Green in 2023. Magic: The Gathering has had quite the year (in more ways than one) tune in live to chat all things MTG!
Follow Local Game Group on our other socials here: https://linktr.ee/localgamegroup
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PVw2Qc53
00:00:00 – Show Before The Show!
One Moment Please…
#UNTAPPED #LocalGameGroup #magicthegathering #FNM #LGG #mtg #EDH #cEDH #Commander #livestream #Podcast
 Welcome to UNTAPPED: The TCG Podcast. This is a wrap up episode for the year covering the state of Green in 2023. Magic: The Gathering has had quite the year (in more ways than one) tune in live to chat all things MTG! Follow Local Game Group on our other socials here: https://linktr.ee/localgamegroup – Discord  Read More Content, Local Game Guy EDHRECÂ