In mid-March during the Oscars, Netflix’s Pinocchio took home the award for Best Animated Feature. During his acceptance speech, co-director Guillermo del Toro said the animation medium was ready to be taken to “the next step,” a statement that was meant to be inspiring after animation was belittled at that very…
In mid-March during the Oscars, Netflix’s Pinocchio took home the award for Best Animated Feature. During his acceptance speech, co-director Guillermo del Toro said the animation medium was ready to be taken to “the next step,” a statement that was meant to be inspiring after animation was belittled at that very…Read more… Read More animation, next step, miles morales, anette, disney, chris miller, netflix, guillermo del toro, phil, pixar, the oscars, king of the hill, spider man, spider verse, films, walt disney studios, elemental, spider man into the spider verse, entertainment culture, king of, nintendo, teenage mutant ninja turtles mutant mayhem, lackadaisy and the amazing digital circus, imax films, spider man films, mobile suit gundam, hbo, dreamworks Gizmodo