Tesla shareholders condemned Elon Musk’s antisemitic behavior, on his own social media platform, X, and other media outlets Thursday. Some investors are publicly saying he should be suspended, according to a Bloomberg report Friday. Apple also took action over Musk’s tweets by pausing ads on X, Axios reported Friday.
Tesla shareholders condemned Elon Musk’s antisemitic behavior, on his own social media platform, X, and other media outlets Thursday. Some investors are publicly saying he should be suspended, according to a Bloomberg report Friday. Apple also took action over Musk’s tweets by pausing ads on X, Axios reported Friday. Read more… Read More elon musk, tesla, musk, business finance, gerber kawasaki wealth investment management, tesla inc, dustin moskovitz, tesla roadster, kristin hull, andrew bates, the anti defamation league, rivian, ross gerber, facebook, truth social, jerry braakman, hyperloop Gizmodo