Just How ‘Slim’ Is That New Skinny PlayStation 5? Gizmodo

Sony’s new slimmer PS5 could be on its way sooner than expected. Leakers have managed to snap a few pics of the new console in all its fish-tail glory. Plus, if these leaks are right, we may only need to wait a little more than a week before the PS5 starts shipping to U.S.-based customers.

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 Sony’s new slimmer PS5 could be on its way sooner than expected. Leakers have managed to snap a few pics of the new console in all its fish-tail glory. Plus, if these leaks are right, we may only need to wait a little more than a week before the PS5 starts shipping to U.S.-based customers.Read more…  Read More playstation 5, playstation, spider man 2, twitter, home video game consoles Gizmodo 


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