Walt Disney Animation Studios ushered in a new era with the release of 2013’s Frozen, a film which opened second upon release but went on to become the highest-grossing animated film at the time. Frozen II followed in 2019 and was similarly successful—so of course, there’s now more sequels on the way, as well as immers…
Walt Disney Animation Studios ushered in a new era with the release of 2013’s Frozen, a film which opened second upon release but went on to become the highest-grossing animated film at the time. Frozen II followed in 2019 and was similarly successful—so of course, there’s now more sequels on the way, as well as immers…Read more… Read More frozen, frozen 3, hans, the snow queen, shane morris, once upon a studio, ted lasso, frozen ii, idina menzel, fantasy springs, kristen bell, hans christian andersen, the story of frozen making a disney animated classic, bob iger, jennifer lee, robert lopez, entertainment culture, anna, frozen 4, chris buck, frozen fever, tokyo disneysea, elsa, let it go, hong kong disneyland, archos tv portable video player pvp, kristen anderson lopez, walt disney studios park, frozen 2 Gizmodo