In a not-so-spooky Halloween event, Apple announced its new MacBook Pro and iMac line with its new M3 chips. The new products will be available early next week, and a few early benchmark tests were done very recently to give an idea of how accurate the company’s claims were regarding the new chip’s performance.
In a not-so-spooky Halloween event, Apple announced its new MacBook Pro and iMac line with its new M3 chips. The new products will be available early next week, and a few early benchmark tests were done very recently to give an idea of how accurate the company’s claims were regarding the new chip’s performance.Read more… Read More apple m1, business finance, mac transition to apple silicon, imac, gpu, steve jobs, mac, macbook, apple silicon, imac family, technology internet, apple inc, macbook pro, geekbench, apple m2 Gizmodo